Sunday, October 21, 2007
The game that never happened
This paragraph comes from this story, which is mostly about a speech by poet Nikki Giovanni. In addition to covering the speech, the reporter apparently had time to interview Giovanni, who is a faculty member at Virginia Tech.

That's where things get weird in this story. Here's why: Virginia Tech didn't play Penn State on Saturday. In fact, the Hokies had the week off, and they will not play the Nittany Lions this year. Penn State did play, defeating Indiana. How could Giovanni be distracted by a "dramatic turn" in a game that didn't happen?

Perhaps the copy editor who handled this story could have asked that question.

UPDATE: The reporter responded to an e-mail asking about this problem. "This error was introduced by an editor (!) who paraphrased something in the story incorrectly, without doing a simple check of which teams played which before he changed the story," she says. The story then went to the copy desk, which didn't detect the mistake.

The paper ran this correction today, but as of this writing, the online version of the story has not been corrected.
posted by Andy Bechtel at 4:42 PM | Permalink |