Thursday, December 07, 2006
A quick study of Iraq coverage
The Charlotte Observer and The News & Observer of Raleigh may share ownership, but they don't always share news judgment. Here is how each paper handled the report of the Iraq Study Group: Charlotte made it the display lead; the N&O used an alternative story form mid-page to refer to broader coverage on page 3A.

UPDATE: The N&O public editor, Ted Vaden, discusses reader complaints about the failure to put a proper story about the Iraq report on the front page. I agree with Vaden and the readers; a story needed to be out there. Alternative story forms are great, but this is a major development in the biggest story in the world.
Meanwhile, the New York tabloids also differed in their approaches to this story. The Post monkeyed around with a "Planet of the Apes" look, and the Daily News allowed Jennifer Aniston to loom over President Bush.

See what other papers did at the Newseum.
posted by Andy Bechtel at 3:29 PM | Permalink |