Name: Andy Bechtel From: UNC-Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States About me: I teach editing and writing at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at UNC-Chapel Hill. I'm interested in new ways to tell news stories and in the ethical and political ramifications of word choices (terrorist surveillance program, domestic spying or something in between?).
I have 12 years of experience in newspaper editing, most recently at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C.
My colleague Bill Cloud passes along this error in word choice: "Chord" should be "cord." The paragraph you see here is from The News & Observer, but it also appears in the original version from The Los Angeles Times.
It's a good example of the need to edit wire copy — and why it's not a good idea to let wire stories flow unedited onto news Web sites, as is the practice at many newspapers these days.