Saturday, November 10, 2007
Printer-Friendly news in Minnesota
MinnPost is up and running in the Twin Cities. Some sections don't have any stories yet, but this (mostly) online newspaper is on its way to give the Star Tribune and Pioneer Press some competition, journalistically if not economically.

The nonprofit venture isn't exclusively online, however. Readers can also download a .pdf version that looks like a traditional newspaper. MinnPost is offering to be partners with coffeehouses and other business that download and print out copies for customers to read over lunch.

It's a model we've used here at UNC-Chapel Hill with The Carrboro Commons. In the fall, the Commons is online only, but in the spring, we will once again get students in Advanced Editing to produce a printer-friendly edition for those who prefer reading the news on paper.
posted by Andy Bechtel at 9:25 AM | Permalink |