Saturday, January 26, 2008
The wrong train
Call it irony or curious coincidence. Just a couple of days after The News & Observer announced it would outsource some advertising jobs to India and the Philippines, this ad appears in the paper.

Look closely at the title of the first movie in the left column. The correct name of the latest piece of cinematic whimsy from director Wes Anderson is "The Darjeeling Limited." The setting of the movie? India. Perhaps the new crew taking over ad duties at the N&O will catch that sort of thing.

The N&O news side got it right — in the capsule reviews on the same page as this ad, the movie is listed as "The Darjeeling Limited." Perhaps Anderson could take this error as a hint and call the inevitable extended DVD version "The Darjeeling Unlimited."

UPDATE: A reader reacts to the N&O's decision. (It's the third letter on the page.)
posted by Andy Bechtel at 9:57 AM | Permalink |